Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some things from today

  So I haven't washed my hair in 5 days, cool huh? I can just imagine all of the rain forests I have saved with my water-conserving the question is: continue to conserve until my hair mats itself into dreadlocks? or wash it in the sink because the water pressure for the shower is such that it just pleasantly trickles? Also, it's really cold outside in the mornings and cold,wet hair and a breeze--burr! And if I have wet hair at night and it dries funnily it will become somewhat reminiscent of the pyramids. (Life is so difficult, isn't it?) Maybe dreadlocks would be pretty cool, I think Shakira had some at one stage? Well, I'll deliberate some more and probably not tell you my conclusion because although I'm pretty sure it's super fascinating...I mainly just wanted to say I'm doing a good job feeling European (fyi: most people in France wash daily, they just wash their hair less often and try super hard to keep things short and snappy to conserve on energy). 

These are some things I looked at today:

Then I walked on this bridge... 

and saw the famed "love locks"

P.S.  You should check out this song, I hope you laugh at as much as I did!

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