Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kids, don't smoke.

   So, here's a thought for y'all:
    I was reading one of my Econ books and learned that in 2001 the Czech Republic saved $28 million dollars in pension and old-age housing from people who died prematurely from smoking. "The net benefit of smoking to the government, including taxes and subtracting public health costs, was reckoned to be $148 million."  Yikes. Imagine if that's how cigarette companies advertised: "Mm, so classy to save society dying early *muhahaha*!"

     Anyway, so even though society can reap a positive externality, don't. do. it. especially if you live in the Czech Republic (why this is worse than any other place to smoke....I just made it up...I don't think there's an actual reason). And remember that there are positive and negative things about everything and whether or not they're positive totally depends on who you are, and where you are, and what you are, and when you are...
Happy last week of March!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Proving my existence: Happy second day of spring!

   So I recently had a complaint about the part where I haven't blogged for awhile. I was quite flattered first of all that someone cared, and then realized that the reason I haven't is because I have only been doing this the past few months:
3D glasses frames really help concentration, you should try it sometime. 
and this:

Yep. Real school happened. So I haven't even explored like I promised myself I would, so I still have no idea what fun things there are to do around here. 

On a more adventuresome note, I did have an itchin' for an adventure the other day and decided to walk to a small canyon by my apartment--so pretty! I didn't actually find an adventure, but I did enjoy the sunshine!
I also have been trying to cook some of the lovely things I had while I was abroad...but things are just not the same (especially with the lame oven my apartment has and the part where I don't cook) donc, voila, scones:
Well, at least they look pretty :)
I am, however, thrilled about finding such a lovely walking spot! I can't wait for the weather to warm up! I love how beautiful the mountains are around here, if my economics class doesn't kill me first, I think a camping trip is in order soon!

Here's a fantastic chill springy song:

Hope y'all had a fantastic second day of spring~!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Merry St. Valentine's!

     Happy Valentine's everyone! I know that the concept of a random day where because Hallmark says so one is supposed to show more affection than usual and eat chocolate is a bit odd...but, February is a pretty dull month so why not?
    I used to be a hater, but then I figured, why be all grumbly and bitter when you can have an excuse to reflect on the people that influence your life and do something nice for them? I guess it would be better to do that all the time...
Also, it's a nice little something to get you through the rest of February (which is actually pretty nice this year, but is normally absolutely miserable in Utah), and most people look really nice in red. 

Dinosaur sprinkles=awesome
 My roommates got all into the Valentine's festivities--so fun! Then my mum sent me a lovely little goody bag~lovely. 

As did the bicycle club? Wait. We have a bicycle club?
Thank you Bike Committee--made my day.

Awww. Thanks everyone for a fun 14th! I hope y'all had a wonderful day too (If not, pretend Valentine's day is tomorrow and do it all again)!

A good song:

Ok, just one more:

P.S. For those who need a little bit of cynicism to dilute the cheesiness, or just a good laugh, check out one of my friend's (yes, there are several of them) blog here.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Qui Ose Gangne

Happy New Year!
      Well, it's two weeks into the semester and I am alive! I hope that y'all had a fantastic Christmas/Winter holiday/New Year! I have been gathering information about fun things you must do around Provo and so far this is it:

1. Go hiking/walking/burn stuff around the Provo canyon

2. Eat at one of the exotic restaurants on Center Street

3. Go to "Color Me Mine" and paint something for an arm and a leg (or go to the dollar store and find a clay creature to paint, and if you want to get all fancy, purchase some acrylic paints).

4. Check out some of the museums on BYU campus (there are a lot more than people realize)

5. Find that one round-about island by Seven Peaks with an outlet and bring
some cosy blankets, a friend, and your laptop, and watch a movie.

6. Roast various things on the lights by the BYU bell-tower (they usually are toasty by 1-2 a.m.)

7. Rent a room in the BYU library and have a movie night with your library-dwelling friends.

8. Spend the whole night swapping favorite YouTube

9. Go to the local thrift store (Deseret Industries) and critique the fashion of the eighties.

10. Find one of the many mysterious import stores and feel cool.

11. There are apparently several crepe places around (I haven't seen them..yet) and go there.

12. Make some stencils and create your own t-shirts, or go tagging---shhhhhh!

13. Ice cream sculpt.

14. SKI!!!!!!

15. Get together with your musically inclined buddies and play some tunes.

16. Make friends with someone whose apartment has a hot tub/pool.

17. Play bored games. Oops, erm board, board bored games. I recommend Riddle Riot, just because you've probably never played it before (it's discontinued, yep. I'm just that cool) and is extremely frustrating = good time.

18. Go to the Coco Bean for some delicious cupcakes and a fun atmosphere

19. Go to a coffee shop and listen to the radical political views of the young and restless that live there.

20. Go to the BYU International Cinema! It is not only free, but international, and thus cooler than another night of chick flicks (nothing against chick flicks, but you can only watch Ever After so many times).

21. Use the Provo Date Builder App

Well, that's all I have gathered so far. As one can see, life in Provo revolves mainly around going out to eat or watching movies (unless you associate with some very creative folk, and then you must share your fancy-pants ideas so I can pretend to be creative) and the activity of choice in a university town is *drum-roll*: dating. Lots of dates goin' on 'round here. So, just grab a date and thus have motivation to get creative?

Place to go: Riverwoods Mall. There are lots of things to do there.

Song of the month:
may everyone profess their love like this: