Saturday, August 6, 2011

Port Elizabeth (and the journey there)

        On our way to Port Elizabeth we stopped by:
Yep, Bloukrans Bridge: a 216 meter bridge that crazy people bungee off of! I had signed up to do it, but chickened out because my "logical" side kicked in and I had been awake the night before thinking about all sorts of weird injuries I could get from bungee jumping. I already have back problems and so my excuse (aside from losing the desire to jump off the bridge once I saw it) is that I was being sensible... My younger sisters did though and it looked super fun! The worst thing that happened was that one of my sisters had some of her capillaries around her eyes burst, but it wasn't a super big deal. It just looked like someone had taken some purple paint on a stipple brush around her eyes. At the end of their jump we stopped by the gift shop to get the videos of the jump and there were t-shirts that said: "Fear is temporary, regret is forever." I think that is a good line to live by--there are so many things that I've skipped out on because I was afraid and have always regretted missing. In this situation those are my sentiment exactly--I still wish I had jumped. Mostly to prove to myself that I'm not afraid, and can take risks--act out an allegory: throw fear to the wind, step off a ledge and have a grand time when I find out that not only am I still alive but flying! Ha! What a cheese-whopper inspiring t-shirt! 
       After the bungee adventures we went foofy-sliding (zip-lining) in the Tsitsikamma forest. 
It was super fun, but I wouldn't recommend it for people who want to actually observe animals and learn a ton about the wildlife. The particular one we went on started in Storms River, and was more like a fun ride than a nature experience. For example, the guide told us to do an epic yell, talked loudly, etc. so all of the wildlife was frightened away. That was a bit of a let-down because I had envisioned some cool animal-observation and learning a bit more about the animals and lore of the forest, but it was a lot more goofy and the facts we learned I had already read or heard of elsewhere. 
      Our main objective in going to Port Elizabeth was to visit our family, so we didn't do a lot of sight-seeing so here's a link about it. We had lots of fun with our cousins, visited lots of my parents friends and went on a cool walk to a beach that was completely covered in pink seaweed stuff!
    We spent a couple of days there and then were back on the road again!
This was all the luggage that our family of six had for five weeks! *cue applause*

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