Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dreams of France

  I am loving England, but can't wait for France! I had a dream about two sharks in the middle of the ocean chatting in French (I'm mainly excited that I can dream in what I call French). It went something like this:

Shark 1: Ah, salut, comment ça va?
Shark 2:  Bah, ça va, et toi?
S1: Bon ben, je suis faim!
S2: Moi aussi!
S1: Regard cette personne là!
S2: Parfait! Nous devrions lui manger!
S1: Je suis d'accord!

and then it moved to a different location in English, but I thought the French bit was funny!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Oh Hailey, we miss you here! I'm a mixture of jealous (that I'm not in France) and depressed (that you're not here), but mainly so happy for you to have this awesome experience! I'm pretty sure your grammar and commas are just fine. I think authors put them wherever they want... maybe.
