Monday, December 5, 2011

Monaco: last bit

  My train left in the afternoon and so I got up bright and early to ensure (not to be confused with insure--Hailey!) that I had enough time to re-visit all of my favorite places. 
I love Monaco!
The Casino
    The sunrise was absolutely stunning.
     On my way down from the casino to the harbour, an Italian man in his 50's stopped me and started chatting? I was kind of creeped out because, as you know, it's pretty unusual for random people to talk to me, and the strangest things seem to happen in these sorts of situations. This one was no exception. He started out speaking in English and then flip-flopped between French and Italian. I have never really had much Italian exposure, but after tricking myself into thinking he was speaking French I could somewhat figure out what he was saying. He first reassured me by saying that he wanted me to come to his yacht (pronounced "yat-chat" just in case some confused person has told you otherwise...okay, I might be lying) and play volleyball with his 14 year old daughter. A yacht big enough to play volleyball on? shoot. I told him that he must have a very big yacht (it sounded less awkward in French), he just laughed and pointed to a sailboat "That, wind? I like very much wind. My ex-wife, she no like wind, she maked me vend? (sell) and my heart it break, yacht is just for le snobbism (appearing snobbish)." 
        Unfortunately, I was leaving--or else this story may have been even more exciting--and I had to refuse his volley-ball-playing offer. He then asked me what I was doing in Monaco, what I was studying, and upon hearing my age told me I was a baby. WHAT IS THE DEAL! Sheesh, Monaco people--I know 19 is young, I don't need every stranger I meet to tell me so! I was anxious to end this awkward conversation and continue exploring, so I tried to bid him farewell (if any of you know how to gracefully get out of situations like these, let me know), but he grabbed my hand, kissed it, then asked me for my non-dominant hand and read my palm. He told me I'm going to live a long life (I have a strong heart(?)), have some chillins (3, just in case you were wondering), and that I should avoid boys for the next 10 years, because: "Mens? They cheat, even when there are childrens." However, in 10 years when I am "more adult" I can just go and pick one out (Erm, excuse me, I'd like a model 8 with the guitar playing package, with some math skills on the side) ? He then told me I was a good person (aww), shook my hand, walked around the corner, and "vanished" (he actually walked into an underground parking lot, but his exist was quite dramatic nonetheless). 
     So that was an exciting start to the morning. I'm going to miss the random conversations that living in a city enables you to have.

     I'll be sure to check back in 10 years from now and notify you whether or not  my Italian fortune-teller was correct. I'm sure he doesn't tell the same thing to every single person he meets...right?

    I then continued my walk and was excited to see that nothing has really changed since I was there last.

   Monaco is where the Grand Prix is held, and there is a very high population of wealthy people, so there are lots of fancy pants cars and a Ferrari dealership.
I'm personally more of a Rolls Royce person...

Just kidding, I'm not even a car person--as long as it works I'll drive it--don't worry, I'll work on becoming more pretentious. 
The streets are so quaint and narrow!
One of my favorite bits is the Rock, which is a large plateau thing with the Monegasque castle, cathedral, museums, and old bits. 
   The view from The Rock is fantastic! Also, because it was the "Fete Nationale" The Rock was completely packed with news teams, soldiers, and--of course--buses of Asian tourists. The Fete Nationale (National Holiday) celebrates the Monegasque royalty and other traditions, and I was lucky enough to have unwittingly chosen to come to Monaco over this exciting weekend.
    To tell the truth, every weekend is exciting in Monaco, there is always some big party or event and if you are ever Monaco bound I would recommend checking out what is going on to supplement your existing plans.
Oui, oui!

I love you too Monaco!
Stunning, non?
When I came here two years ago I pretty much lived on this beach. Good times.
Look how clear the water is--it's not called the "Cote d'Azure" for nothing!
   Oh this? It's just one of my cousins getting kissed by Princess Charlene.
   Because Monaco is so small, you have a pretty good chance of running into the royalty. My cousin was saying she sees one of the princesses in the local supermarket pretty regularly. Also, Monaco is a partying hotspot for lots of celebrities, I think my cousins ran into Owen Wilson one time? Because of how luxurious Monaco is and the type of crowd it often attracts it sometimes feels a bit artificial and stuffy, but aside from that I really like the set up and charm of it. 
    Like Nelly Furtado observed all good things do come to an end, and I had to go back.
  The train ride was great, but I kept on feeling like I had forgotten something because I had packed so quickly. I only figured it out when the train pulled into the Gare de Lyon--
I had left my heart in Monaco. 

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