Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life in Utah

  Well, to be quite honest, I was kind of bummed about being back in my small, little (redundant? no!) town that likes to call itself a city. It is gorgeous in a wild, open sort of way, but I really liked living in a city with lots of cultural diversity. I have decided to change my attitude and spend time exploring my little area of Utah and see what fun things there are to do here...seeing as I am probably going to be spending quite a lot of time here. I have lived in Utah valley for a huge portion of my life and never really given it a chance to enchant me, or really done any proper exploring. Apparently there's a very fun music scene here, lots of great outdoor activities, cuisine, and such. So here goes! Ma vie in Utah.

Something that has nothing to do with Utah (well, the grassy hills could be in Utah for all I know):

1 comment:

  1. Probably random hearing from me, but this post caught my eye! I gotta say, I don't know much about living outside of Utah (will change a bit soon as I leave on the mission hopefully), but I sure do love it here! Granted not so much in a multicultural and diverse sense, but in a meditative and peaceful sense. I do consider myself to be a bit native american at heart and I am learning the wind flute, but really, I'm just trying to say that Utah may not have "enchantment" in peoples and diversity, but it contains more of an enchanting landscape. I may live at my house, but the mountains are my home! It is where I find "enchantment" So if interested, i'd suggest checking there! I know of a few great places!
