Saturday, January 26, 2013

Duhduhduhda-daaaa: Fanfare and parades in my head

I have an announcement: the next big adventure!!!!

Preface for what the adventure is going to be:

Like I've said before, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are two big semi-annual meetings held called "General conference," (I'm just going to explain things like you, reader, are not super-familiar with the LDS church. Because I hate when I'm reading things and get lost in the jargon--so don't feel like my basic explanations are insulting your intelligence if you do know what I'm talking about) in the most recent one (October) an announcement was made that the age requirement for missionaries had been changed!

The former age for girls was 21, and now it has been changed to 19! SO, I have had the opportunity to submit a missionary application much earlier than I could have before. A mission for girls is 18 months long and after you submit your application to your ecclesiastical leaders you are assigned by the First Presidency (the hierarchical structure of the LDS church is the same as the one Jesus created in the New Testament, so the First Presidency in ancient days would have been Peter, James, and John) to an area of the world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone who will listen (Here is a great summary of why missionary work is such a big part of the LDS church).

It's a pretty intimidating task to sign yourself up for, but, I am so happy to share the joy and peace I have been blessed to find so early in my life with others!

So, where am I going?

somewhere I love...

Somewhere with pomme frites 
Have you guessed yet?

Lyon, France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I will be speaking FRENCH! 

SO. happy. 

The area I will be in is pretty much everything south of Lyon including a bit of Switzerland and Corsica. 

I don't know exactly what cities I will be in yet, but I know I'll be assigned to the right places for me, the people, and the church. Because this is God's church, and He's in charge. So, I know it will be perfect. 


The only unfortunate part is that I don't leave until April.....but it's coming up! Just 2 more months. 


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